

The idea of clarity

Stabalux Bamboo for facade and roof

Naturally beautiful, atmospherically warm in healthy indoor climate, economical and versatile.

Characterized by the milled center groove and the direct screw connection, the Stabalux Bamboo system offers a completely coordinated program for glass facades and roofs in three system widths. Approved system connectors for mullion-transom connections and tested glass supports allow economical and fast processing.

The simple integration of an insulation block achieves the highest heat protection and energy efficiency and makes it possible to prove that it is a passive house-suitable component in the mullion-transom façade.

Features certified by tests and system pass are a guarantor for permanent functionality and basis for the CE marking. Inner gaskets, with one, two or three drainage levels, are pressed directly into the center groove and thus guided precisely. Whether blunt or overlapping, the same peak values ​​are achieved.


Construction details

System cross-sections

System Stabalux Bamboo

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Performance data

Facade 5 mm high gasketFacade to 20° inclination;
inner gasket overlapping
Roof to 2° inclination
Systemwidth50, 60, 80 mm50, 60, 80 mm50, 60, 80 mm
Air permeability
EN 12152
Water tightness
EN 12154/ENV 13050
RE 1650 Pa
250 Pa/750 Pa
RE 1650 Pa
250 Pa/750 Pa
RE 1350 Pa*
Resistance at wind load
EN 13116
Permissible load
Increased load
2,0 kN/m²
3,0 kN/m²
2,0 kN/m²
3,0 kN/m²
2,0 kN/m²
3,0 kN/m²
Impact resistance EN 14019E5 / I5E5 / I5Weight 50 kg
Height of drop 2,40 m
Glas weights≤ 670 kg≤ 670 kg≤ 670 kg
Burglar resistance DIN EN 1627RC2RC2

*) In addition to the standard, the test was carried out with a volume of water of 3.4l / (m²min)